Svalbard reindeer population size and trends in four sub-areas of Edgeøya

  • Eigil Reimers University of Oslo
Keywords: Svalbard reindeer, winter mortality, population regulation, Edgeøya


In summer 2006 Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus) in southwestern Edgeøya (Plurdalen, Grunnlinjesletta, Siegelfjellet and Burmeisterfjellet) showed a low population (181 animals) and recruitment rate, in terms of both calves (9.4%) and yearlings (1.2%). The low recruitment rates were not accompanied by high winter mortality: of only five carcasses found, none were calves born in 2005. A comparison with survey data from 1969 in a restricted part of the study area (Plurdalen and Grunnlinjesletta) shows a consistently low recruitment rate since 1975, indicating a stable or slowly decreasing population.

Keywords Edgeøya; population regulation; recruitment rates; Svalbard reindeer; winter mortality; Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus (

Published: 15 May 2012)

Citation: Polar Research 2012, 31, 11089,


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How to Cite
Reimers E. (2012). Svalbard reindeer population size and trends in four sub-areas of Edgeøya. Polar Research, 31.
Research Notes