Letter-to-the-Editor: Making science animations: new possibilities for making science accessible to the public

  • Inga May
  • David Carlson
  • Mathieu Ardyna
  • Maxime Geoffroy
  • Maija Heikkilä


Lubchenco challenges scientists to: ‘‘ address the most urgent needs of society, in proportion to their importance; communicate their knowledge and understanding widely in order to inform decisions of individuals and institutions; and exercise good judgment, wisdom, and humility’’. As participants in the International Polar Year (IPY) of 2007-08, we hope we contributed to the first challenge. Here we address the second challenge, effective science communications.

(Published: 28 December 2011)

Citation: Polar Research 2011, 30, 15315, DOI: 10.3402/polar.v30i0.15315

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How to Cite
May I., Carlson D., Ardyna M., Geoffroy M., & Heikkilä M. (2011). Letter-to-the-Editor: Making science animations: new possibilities for making science accessible to the public. Polar Research. https://doi.org/10.3402/polar.v30i0.15315
Thematic cluster. Oslo Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010: selected IPY papers