Vitrinite reflectance studies of coals and dispersed organic matter in Tertiary deposits in the Adventdalen area, Svalbard

  • Torbjørn Throndsen


Vitrinite reflectance measurements on coals and dispersed organic matter in Tertiary deposits in the Adventdalen area show that there is a continuous rank increase from 'sub-bituminous C (Ro = 0.40) at the top through 950 m to‘high volatile bituminous B’(Ro = 0.70) at the base. Rank of the economically important coal horizon at the base of the Tertiary shows regional variation ranging from 'sub-bituminous B’(Ro = 0.41) to Tiigh volatile bituminous A-B’(Ro = 0.78). It is concluded that 1.0 - 1.5 km of Tertiary deposits were eroded during the postorogene uplift of Svalbard, and the area of greatest sediment accumulation migrated eastwards during deposition.


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How to Cite
Throndsen T. (1982). Vitrinite reflectance studies of coals and dispersed organic matter in Tertiary deposits in the Adventdalen area, Svalbard. Polar Research, 1982(2), 77-91.
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