Some issues related to the Svalbardian tectonic event (Ellesmerian Orogeny) in Svalbard

  • Winfried Kurt Dallmann Department of Geosciences, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway
  • Karsten Piepjohn Hannover, Germany
Keywords: Geology of Svalbard, Devonian, angular unconformity, convergent deformation, palynomorph ages, Adriabukta Formation


Svalbard has long been thought to represent the easternmost realm of the Ellesmerian Orogeny in the late Devonian or early Mississippian (Svalbardian tectonic event). Several authors do not agree and present alternative interpretations of the observed structures in older and more recent articles. This article discusses a number of issues that, in our opinion, are not sufficiently considered in those works, but which are essential for the understanding of the Svalbardian tectonic event: (1) the possibility of re-deposited palynomorphs in the discussion of the deformational ages, (2) the age and structural setting of the crucial Adriabukta Formation in southern Spitsbergen, and (3) the presence and nature of the Svalbardian angular unconformity in central and southern Spitsbergen.


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How to Cite
Dallmann W. K., & Piepjohn K. (2024). Some issues related to the Svalbardian tectonic event (Ellesmerian Orogeny) in Svalbard. Polar Research, 43.