Representation of Dense Shelf Water formation by global oceanic reanalyses

Keywords: GLORYS, ORAS5, sea surface salinity, Dense Shelf Water, nudging


This study evaluates the representation of Dense Shelf Water (DSW) formation in the Southern Ocean by two global oceanic reanalyses: GLORYS2v4 and ORAS5. We found that GLORYS2v4 generally represents larger areas and more consistent temporal patterns of DSW compared to ORAS5. This latter reanalysis significantly underestimates the extent and frequency of DSW formation. Although both reanalyses show good statistical agreement with the World Ocean Circulation Experiment data set, with a root mean squared error of approximately 0.7, a mean absolute percentage error of 1.16% and an r value of 0.99, ORAS5 fails to reproduce the expected sea-surface salinity trend, exhibiting a negative trend across most of the Southern Ocean. This may lead to a weak representation of the water-mass formation processes in the region, thereby affecting its ability to satisfactorily represent the Meridional Overturning Circulation and the global thermohaline circulation. These discrepancies are attributed to the nudging process used for the sea-surface temperature in the ORAS5 model. This study highlights the importance of oceanic reanalyses to validate climate modelling results, in particular in high-latitude regions, where observations are scarce and crucial for understanding global climatic changes.


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How to Cite
Reis R. A. do N., Justino F., de Mendonça L. F. F., Farneti R., Tonelli M., Machado J. P., & Lindemann D. da S. (2025). Representation of Dense Shelf Water formation by global oceanic reanalyses. Polar Research, 43.
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