Siberian river run-off and Late Quaternary glaciation in the southern Kara Sea, Arctic Ocean: preliminary results

  • Ruediger Stein
  • Frank Niessen
  • Klaus Dittmers
  • Michael Levitan
  • Frank Schoster
  • Johannes Simstich
  • Tatjana Steinke
  • Oleg V. Stepanets


The extent of the Barents-Kara Ice Sheet during the eastern Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) is not yet fully known. A detailed echo-sounding survey performed during the Boris Petrov Expedition 2001 permitted the detailed mapping of part of it. Based on the profiling results, a southern connection between the LGM Barents-Kara Ice Sheet and a local ice sheet on Taymyr Peninsula appears to be unlikely. Based on sediment core data and profiling results, most of the terrigenous river-derived material accumulated in the estuaries during late Holocene times, whereas during early Holocene times of lowered sea level major amounts were transported further offshore and accumulated on the shelf. During the post-glacial sea level rise, the main depocentre migrated southward, reaching its present position no earlier than about 6 cal. Ky BP (or 5.2 Kya). Future studies of accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C-dated sediment cores will allow a detailed reconstruction of the variability of fluvial sediment discharge and the history of glaciation in the Kara Sea during late Quaternary times.


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How to Cite
Stein R., Niessen F., Dittmers K., Levitan M., Schoster F., Simstich J., Steinke T., & Stepanets O. V. (2002). Siberian river run-off and Late Quaternary glaciation in the southern Kara Sea, Arctic Ocean: preliminary results. Polar Research, 21(2), 315-322.