Did major fractures in continental crust control orientation of the Knipovich Ridge-Lena Trough segment of the plate margin?

  • M. D. Max
  • Y. Ohta


Orientation of the complex Knipovich-Lena spreading/transform system closely follows the secondary shear and extensional orientations that existed within adjacent continental crust prior to rifting. Major dextral faults and shear zones within continental crust appear to have affected both the lower crust and upper mantle during extension and to have caused the localization of the early transform rift system.


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How to Cite
Max M. D., & Ohta Y. (1988). Did major fractures in continental crust control orientation of the Knipovich Ridge-Lena Trough segment of the plate margin?. Polar Research, 6(1), 85-93. https://doi.org/10.3402/polar.v6i1.6848
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