Glacier mass balance investigations in the balance years 1984-85 and 1985-86

  • Jon Ove Hagen
  • Olav Liestøl


As in previous years Norsk Polarinstitutt has carried out mass balance investigations on Storbreen and Hardangerjøkulen in mainland Norway and on Broggerbreen and Lovenbreen in Svalbard. More than 20 years of measurements show that the glaciers both in mainland Norway and in Svalbard are retreating. Both in 1985 and in 1986 the glaciers in Norway had a negative net balance. At Storbreen the mean annual net balance value 1949-86 is -0.30 m in water equivalents, while on Hardangerjflkulen the mean value 1963-86 is -0.02 m. The two glaciers measured in Svalbard also had negative net balance in 1985 and in 1986. Both measured glaciers have had negative balance nearly all years since the measurements started in 1966. The mean value is close to -40g/cm2 or -0.4 m on both.


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How to Cite
Hagen J. O., & Liestøl O. (1987). Glacier mass balance investigations in the balance years 1984-85 and 1985-86. Polar Research, 5(2), 261-265.
Research Notes