Glacier mass balance investigations in the balance year 1986-87

  • Jon Ove Hagen


Storbreen in southern Norway has been measured continuously since 1949. The mean specific net balance -0.29 m water equivalents. In 1987, however, the net balance was 0.32 m, which is the highest surplus in twenty years. The results of the whole period are given in Table 1 In Svalbard the summer of 1987 was unusually cold, which resulted in the first year with positive net balance on Brøggerbreen and Lovénbreen since the measurements started in 1968, The net balance was 0.22 m and 0.24 m, respectively, while the average is -0.43 m and -0.34 m. Measurements at Kongsvegen in the inner part of Kongsfjorden started in 1987. The work was concentrated along the central flow line. The result was a positive net balance of 0.50 m.


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How to Cite
Hagen J. O. (1998). Glacier mass balance investigations in the balance year 1986-87. Polar Research, 6(2), 205-209.
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