Morphology, geology and oceanography of the Hinlopen Strait and Trough, Svalbard, Norway

  • Stephanie Pfirman
  • John D. Milliman


The Hinlopen Strait and Trough (Fig. 1) form a strikingly linear NW-SE feature, extending from Svalbard across the shelf and onto the Arctic Sea slope. Maximum water depths exceed 400111, but a number of sills, some presumably structural and others sedimentary. divide the strait/trough into a series of basins. Acoustically transparent sediment, which locally is thicker than 60 m in some basins, is probably late Quaternary in age, The upper 1-5m are Holocene, and were probably influenced by Atlantic water from the Arctic extension of the West Spitsbergen Current.


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How to Cite
Pfirman S., & Milliman J. D. (1987). Morphology, geology and oceanography of the Hinlopen Strait and Trough, Svalbard, Norway. Polar Research, 5(3), 297-298.
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