A bowhead whale vertebra embedded in marine limit beach sediment on Barentsøya, Svalbard

  • Per Möller Department of Geology/Quaternary Sciences, Lund University, Sweden
Keywords: Glacial history, shore level displacement, spit platforms, ZooMS, Balaena mysticetus, peptide mass fingerprinting


A cross-valley beach terrace in Iladalen, in the south-east of the island of Barentsøya, Svalbard, is interpreted as having been built by long-shore sediment transport and deposition, with its maximum height at about 88 m a.s.l., marking the marine limit at deglaciation. A whale vertebra—most probably from a bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus)—was found embedded in the upper part of the littoral sediments at a height of ca. 80 m a.s.l., that is, about 8 m below the marine limit at deglaciation The bone is dated to 10 762 ± 137 cal yr BP, just a few hundred years after the generally accepted deglaciation of the coastal parts of Barentsøya, about 11 000 years ago. The vertebra’s age and altitudinal position fit well with the relative sea-level curve constructed for the north-eastern tip of the island of Edgeøya, some 29 km east–south-east of Iladalen.


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How to Cite
Möller P. (2024). A bowhead whale vertebra embedded in marine limit beach sediment on Barentsøya, Svalbard. Polar Research, 43. https://doi.org/10.33265/polar.v43.9724
Research Notes