Anthropogenic noise in terrestrial Antarctica: a short review of background information, challenges and opportunities

Keywords: Antarctic soundscapes, acoustic monitoring, wildlife, environmental management, marine mammals, penguins


Anthropogenic noise is an inevitable by-product of human activities. However, the potential effects of human noise on terrestrial Antarctica’s ecosystems have been understudied. Documented impacts encompass stress, alterations in behavioural patterns, auditory masking, and, in severe instances, mortality. This Perspective note aims to call attention to human-generated noise as potential sources of impact on Antarctic wildlife and to highlight the potential of soundscape analysis as a flexible, cost-effective tool for environmental monitoring across Antarctica, complementing other non-invasive approaches. Acoustic monitoring in terrestrial environments has been extensively used in different parts of the world to assess biodiversity, monitor populations’ status and trends, and identify and monitor sources of anthropogenic disturbance. Technological advances in passive acoustic monitoring allow for the gathering of detailed information with little need of human attention, and powerful processing tools and algorithms enable researchers to analyse large collections of audio data. Cold climates limit battery-operated instruments, but solar panels in Antarctic summer trials revealed over 100 days of unattended operation, which is promising for the incorporation of acoustic monitoring in Antarctica’s environmental management toolbox.


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How to Cite
Ziegler L., & Alvaro Soutullo. (2024). Anthropogenic noise in terrestrial Antarctica: a short review of background information, challenges and opportunities. Polar Research, 43.