Helle V. Goldman



1996: Doctorate in anthropology, New York University. Dissertation “A comparative study of Swahili in two rural communities in Pemba, Zanzibar, Tanzania” (494 pages)

1990: Master’s degree in anthropology, New York University. Thesis awarded for excellence by New York University Alumnae Club.

1987: Bachelor’s degree, major in anthropology, University of Rhode Island. President’s Award for Student Excellence, Dean’s Excellence Award. Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi.

Professional membership

Norwegian Association of Researchers (union)

European Association of Science Editors

International Society of Technical and Managing Editors

IUCN Small Carnivore Specialist Group


Goldman H.V. 2020.  Covid-19 prophylactic tested on Ferrets; humans infected by mutated Covid-19 in Mink. Small Carnivore Conservation, e58018.

Goldman H.V. 2020 Wild American Mink found with Covid-19: first report of SARS-CoV-2 in a free-ranging wild animal. Small Carnivore Conservation, e58021

Goldman H.V. 2020. Thousands of farmed American mink dead of Covid-19. Small Carnivore Conservation, e58015.

Goldman H.V. 2020. Book review: A garden guide to native plants of coastal East Africa, by Anne H. Outwater et al. Tanzanian Affairs 127, September, 39–40.

Goldman H.V. 2020. Sivert – en utstoppet isbjørn i Tromsø. (Sivert - a taxidermy polar bear in Tromsø.) Nordlys, 20 July.

Goldman H.V. & Walsh M.T. 2019. Classifying, domesticating and extirpating the Zanzibar leopard, a transgressive felidNorsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift (Norwegian Journal of Anthropology) 30(3-4), 205-2019.

Goldman H.V. 2019. The Ghikas house on Hydra: from artists’ haven to enchanted ruins. Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature 19(1), 1-14.

Goldman H.V. & Walsh M.T. 2019. First videos of endemic Zanzibar servaline genet Genetta servalina archeri, African palm civet Nandinia binotata (Mammalia: Carnivora: Viverridae) and other small carnivores on Unguja Island, Tanzania. Journal of Threatened Taxa 11(10), 14292-14300.

Goldman H.V. 2018. Book review: Mikidadi: individual biography and national history in Tanzania, by Pat Caplan. Tanzanian Affairs 119, January, 47–49.

Jenssen E.V. & Goldman H. 2018. Nei til isbjørn i dyreparker. (No to polar bears in zoos.) Nordlys, Wednesday 13 June, p. 3. [Opinion piece in Norwegian newspaper about the welfare of polar bears in captivity]

Walsh M.T. & Goldman H.V. 2017. Cryptids and credulity: the Zanzibar leopard and other imaginary beings. In S. Hurn (ed.): Anthropology and cryptozoology: exploring encounters with mysterious creatures. Pp. 54-90. Milton Park, Routledge.

Goldman H.V. 2017. Chasing imaginary leopards: science, witchcraft and the politics of conservation in Zanzibar. In I. Walker (ed.): Contemporary issues in Swahili ethnography. Pp. 727-746. London, Routledge.

Goldman H.V. (ed.) 2017. When we were almost young: remembering Hydra through war and Bohemians. Tromsø: Tipota Press.

Goldman H.V. 2016. Camera-trapping (Box no. 13.1). In M. Balakrishnan (ed.): Wildlife ecology and conservation. Pp. 363–368. Jodhpur/New Delhi, Scientific Publishers.

Goldman H.V. 2015. Dyrehjelperne på Hydra – en personlig beretning. (Animal helpers on Hydra – a personal view.) Dyrenes Forsvarer 1, 22-23.

Goldman H.V. 2014. Book review: Tourism and social change in post-Socialist Zanzibar: struggles for identity, movement, and civilization by Akbar Keshodkar. Journal of Modern African Studies 52(3), 505–507.

Goldman H.V. 2014. Redd skinnet – og korallrevene. (Save your skin – and coral reefs.) Nordlys, Thursday, 26 June, p. 4-5.  [Opinion piece in Norwegian newspaper about reef-friendly sunblocks]

Walsh M.T. & Goldman H.V. 2012. Chasing imaginary leopards: science, witchcraft and the politics of conservation in Zanzibar. Journal of Eastern African Studies 6(4), 727–746.

Goldman H. & Jenssen E.V. 2012. Maskoter med bismak. (Mascots with a bad aftertaste.) Nordlys, Monday, 27 February, p. 3. [Opinion piece in Norwegian newspaper about the welfare of polar bears in captivity]

Goldman H.V. & Winther-Hansen J. 2012. Tradisjon, tradisjon, tradisjon. (Tradition, tradition, tradition.) Nordlys, Saturday, 15 December, p. 48. [Opinion piece in Norwegian newspaper about the separation of church and public schools]

Jenssen E.V. & Goldman H.V. 2011. Lopper med mening. (Meaningful jumble.) Nordlys, Thursday, 19 May, p. 3. [Opinion piece in Norwegian newspaper about the importance of reducing consumption through re-use]

Goldman H.V. 2010. The bipolar editor. Editorial Office News, August, 11-15.

Cameron G. & Goldman H.V. 2008. Les campagnes de Zanzibar: une brève histoire du droit foncier et de la réforme agraire. (Rural Zanzibar: a brief history of land tenure and land reform.) In Nathalie Bernadie-Tahir (ed.): L’autre Zanzibar: geographie d’une contre-insularité. (The other Zanzibar: the geography of an island nation.) Pp. 153-172. Paris: Éditions Karthala.

Walsh M.T. & Goldman H.V. 2008. Updating the inventory of Zanzibar leopard specimens. Cat News 49, 4–6.

Jenssen E.V. & Goldman H.V. 2009. Ufrivilige artister. (Involuntary performers.) Nordlys, Wednesday, 20 May, p. 3. [Opinion piece in Norwegian newspaper about the welfare of circus animals.]

Goldman H.V. 2008. Star mail. [Letter reporting personal observation of Sykes monkey eating snake skin in Zanzibar.] Nature Net: The Nature Kenya Member’s Newsletter, April, p. 2.

Goldman H.V. 2007. Zanzibar. In J.C. Miller & J. Middleton (eds.): New encyclopedia of Africa. Vol. 5. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons.

Goldman H.V. & Winther-Hansen J. 2007. Lights, camera, action. Africa Geographic 15, 24–25.

Goldman H.V. 2007. Elefanter og andre dyr på sirkus. (Elephants and other circus animals.) Tromsø, Wednesday 16 May, p. 42.

Walsh M.T. & Goldman H.V. 2007. Killing the king: the demonization and extermination of the Zanzibar leopard. In E. Dounias (ed.): Le symbolisme des animaux: l’animal, clef de voûte de la relation entre l’homme et la nature? (Animal symbolism: animals, keystone in the relationship between man and nature?) Pp. 1133–1182. Paris, IRD Éditions.

Goldman H.V., Winther-Hansen J. & Walsh M.T. 2004. Zanzibar’s recently discovered servaline genet. Nature East Africa 34(2), 5–7.

Prestrud P., Strøm H. & Goldman H.V. (eds.) 2004. A catalogue of the terrestrial and marine animals of Svalbard. Tromsø, Norwegian Polar Institute.

Goldman H.V. & Winther-Hansen J. 2003. First photographs of the Zanzibar servaline genet Genetta servalina archeri and other endemic subspecies on the island of Unguja, Tanzania. Small Carnivore Conservation 29, 1–4.

Goldman H.V. & Walsh M.T. 2002. Is the Zanzibar leopard (Panthera pardus adersi) extinct? Journal of East African Natural History 91, 15–25.

Goldman H.V. 1997. Zanzibar. In J. Middleton (ed.): The encyclopedia of Africa south of the Sahara. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons.

Goldman H.V. & Walsh M.T. 1997. A leopard in jeopardy: an anthropological survey of perceptions and practices threatening the survival of the Zanzibar leopard (Panthera pardus adersi). Zanzibar Forestry Technical Paper 63. Zanzibar: Commission for Natural Resources.

Selected presentations

Goldman H.V. 2024. Musings on Polar Research: the highs and lows of editing a scientific journal for 25 years. Presented at Arctic Connections: 29th Polar Libraries Colloquy, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway, 10-14 June.

Goldman H.V. 2024. How to review for scientific journals. Workshop given in association with iC3: Centre for Ice, Cryosphere, Carbon and Climate, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway, 7 February.

Goldman H.V. 2024. Panel discussion moderator: Avslutning: paneldialog om framtidens norske Antarktisforskning og -forskere – hva skal til for å sikre norsk Antarktisforskning gitt ambisjonene om «topp 10»? (Closing event: panel discussion about future Norwegian research and researchers in the Antarctic – what it will take to realize Norway’s research ambitions). The Antarctic Seminar, Fram Centre, Tromsø, Norway, 8 May.

Goldman H.V. 2023. Never in Anger, by Jean Briggs. Book review presented at Polar Book Café, Norwegian Polar Institute Library, Fram Centre, Tromsø, Norway, 12 October.

Goldman H.V. 2022. Panel discussion moderator: Book launch of Going with the Floe. Verdensteatret Cinema, Tromsø, Norway, 30 March.

Goldman H.V. 2022. Panel participant: Åpne Men Usynlige? Hvordan Kan Vi Gjøre Apen Klimaforskning Mer Tilgjengelig? (Open But Invisible? Can We Make Open-Access Climate Research More Accessible?) Online event, 26 October.

Goldman H.V. 2022. How to review for scientific journals. Workshop given in association with Pathways: Arctic Frontiers 2022, Fram Centre, Tromsø, Norway, 10 May.

Goldman H.V. 2022. Panel participant: Ask the Editors. Online event, 24 June February.

Goldman H.V. Journal Impact Factor – what is it, really? 2019. Presented at the Friday Lecture Series, Fram Centre – High North Research Centre for Climate and the Environment, Tromsø, Norway, 18  October.

Goldman H.V. 2017. Wildlife in Zanzibar. Presented at the Friday Lecture Series, Fram Centre – High North Research Centre for Climate and the Environment, Tromsø, Norway, 17 November.

Goldman H.V. 2018. The social construction and destruction of the Zanzibar leopard: the real extirpation of a fake domesticate. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Norwegian Association of Anthropologists, Scandic Ishavshotel, Tromsø, Norway, 4–6 May.

Goldman H.V. 2017. The anthrozoology of the Zanzibar leopard. Presentation, Friday Seminar Series, Anthropology Department, University of Tromsø, 21 April.

Goldman H.V. 2016. Witchcraft and kinship in Pemba. Presentation, Baraza II: Swahili Conference at SOAS, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 29 October.

Goldman H.V. 2015. A Gramscian analysis of ethnicity and stereotypes in a village in Pemba, Zanzibar. Presentation, Baraza: Swahili Conference at SOAS, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 31 October.

Goldman H.V. 2012. Polar Research: reflections two years after the journal's transition to open access. Presentation, 7th Munin Conference on Scientific Publishing, University of Tromsø, 22–23 November.

Balto A.K. & Goldman H.V. 2012. Posters and object captions, exhibition: Norwegian pioneers in Alaska and the “Serum Race,” Norwegian Polar Institute, Tromsø, 24-28 September.

Goldman H.V. 2011. Polar Research – nine months along. Presentation, Knowledge Exchange Workshop, Talinn, Estonia, 21 September.

Goldman H.V. 2010. Norway, polar research and the Norwegian Polar Institute: past and present. Invited lecture, Explorers Club, New England chapter, Boston, 25 June.

Goldman H.V. & Walsh M.T. 2008. When culture threatens the conservation of biological diversity: the tragic case of the Zanzibar leopard (Panthera pardus adersi). Poster presentation, Conference on Sustaining Cultural and Biological Diversity in a Rapidly Changing World, American Museum of Natural History, New York, 2–5 April.

Goldman H.V. & Walsh M.T. 2007. Human–wildlife conflict, unequal knowledge and the failure to conserve the Zanzibar leopard (Panthera pardus adersi). Poster presentation, Felid Biology and Conservation Conference, Oxford University, 17–20 September.

Book translations

Plastic sea: a bird’s-eye view. (Original title: Søppelplasten i havet.) By K. Blom & G.W. Gabrielsen. 2020. Apex, NC, The Cornell Lab Publishing Group. 

So long, Marianne: a love story. (Original title: So long, Marianne: ei kjærleikshistorie.) By K. Hesthamar. 2014. Toronto, ECW Press.

Norway in the Antarctic. (Original title: Norge i Antarktis.) By J.-G. Winther et al. 2008. Oslo, Schibsted.


Walsh M.T. & Goldman H.V. 2009 – present. The Zanzibar leopard: anthropology and conservation in Zanzibar. Occasional blog online at http://zanzibarleopard.blogspot.com/

Contribution to the Longplayer Letters project:


Guest blog posts:





On Editage:






Quoted in the media








Film appearances

Marianne and Leonard: Words of Love”, UK documentary, 2019

Shallow Water Blackout”/”Den veganske tannbørsten”, Norwegian short film, 2019

Mellom oss” (“Between Us”), Norwegian documentary, 2017

Helle Nächte”/“Bright Nights”, German-Norwegian feature film, 2017

IMDB profile: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm9129254/

Voice-overs on short informational videos

Barents Sea Marine Environment – A Norwegian–Russian Collaboration, Part 1”, 2019

Barents Sea Marine Environment – A Norwegian–Russian Collaboration, Part 2”, 2019

Barents Sea Marine Environment – A Norwegian–Russian Collaboration, Part 3”, 2019

Quality Ensured by Light”, 2016

The NPA Smart-Fish Research Project”, 2016