Decoupling as an alternate model for transpression during the initial opening of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea

  • Harmon D. Maher Jr.
  • Campbell Craddock


Transpressive plate motions during the opening of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea were in some manner responsible for the development of Spitsbergen's Tertiary fold-and-thrust belt. A flower model has been proposed for the large-scale structural architecture of Tertiary deformation (Lowell 1972). An alternate model of decoupling, where convergent and transcurrent motions were accommodated in totally or partially separated, subparallel belts is suggested.


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How to Cite
Maher Jr. H. D., & Craddock C. (1988). Decoupling as an alternate model for transpression during the initial opening of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. Polar Research, 6(1), 137-140.
Research Notes