The Supanberget area – basement imbrication and detached foreland thrusting in the Tertiary fold-and-thrust belt, Svalbard

  • Winfried K. Dallmann
  • Harmon D. Maher Jr.


The Supanberget area, situated in the southern part of the Tertiary Spitsbergen fold-and-thrust belt, occupies a position mainly within the central zone of the belt, characterized by basement-involved thrusting, but includes part of an eastern foreland zone of detached, thin-skinned thrust tectonics. The peculiar feature of Supanberget is the thrust- ‘sliced’ tectonic style that deforms a previously tightly folded basement-cover contact. Foreland structures indicate the additional presence of a subsurface detachment at a deeper structural level. Contrasts in magnitude and orientation of basement anisotropics may control lateral changes in tectonic style.


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How to Cite
Dallmann W. K., & Maher Jr. H. D. (1989). The Supanberget area – basement imbrication and detached foreland thrusting in the Tertiary fold-and-thrust belt, Svalbard. Polar Research, 7(2), 95-107.
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