The Downtonian and Devonian vertebrates of Spitsbergen. XV†. New Heterostracans from the Lower Devonian Red Bay Group, northern Spitsbergen

  • Robert R. Ilyes
  • Yoshihide Ohta
  • Jonny Guddingsmo


A new vertebrate fauna consisting of two new species of heteroslracans (jawless vertebrates), Anglaspis gjelsviki (Cyathaspididae) and Protopteraspis micra (Pteraspididae), is described from the Wulffberget Member of the Red Bay Conglomerate Formation, northern Spitsbergen. This is the oldest known vertebrate fauna of typical Early Devonian age on Spitsbergen. The discovery of this vertebrate fauna improves the distribution and diversity of early vertebrates in the Red Bay Group.


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How to Cite
Ilyes R. R., Ohta Y., & Guddingsmo J. (1995). The Downtonian and Devonian vertebrates of Spitsbergen. XV†. New Heterostracans from the Lower Devonian Red Bay Group, northern Spitsbergen. Polar Research, 14(1), 33-42.
Research/review articles